Individuals will be screened, assessed, and selected by the Reconnaissance Training Company’s West Coast Reconnaissance Liaison/Recruiter. Please follow the link below for filling out the form/submission if interested and that you meet the listed requirements. Additional information is also available at the resource links below. Requirements: * Must be a volunteer. * Must be a current U.S. Citizen. * Must possess a current 1st class PFT and CFT. * Must possess a WS-B to enter training and must possess Water Survival – Advanced (WSA) to enter the Basic Reconnaissance Course. * Must possess GT or CL score of 105 or higher. * Sergeant with NO MORE THAN 2-years time in grade. * Officers – Ground Intel or Infantry Officer only. (Screening not required, however is highly encouraged). * Security requirement: Must have ability to obtain a minimum interim secret security clearance based on national agency check, law enforcement, and credit check (NACLC). * No derogatory page 11 entries within last 12 months. * No NJPs within last 12 months and with no more than one NJP during the current contract. * No courts martial convictions. * Marines must obtain a passing score in the following land and aquatic events during the Reconnaissance Screening Aptitude Test (RSAT): -- Aquatic Competency Test (conducted in MARPAT Uniform, no boots) -- Water Tread, 30 minutes -- 500m continuous swim for time (using only breaststroke or side stroke) – timed -- Rifle Retrieval, Tread -- 25m Rifle Tow -- 25m Underwater Swim -- Physical Assessment Test -- Max set of Pullups, strict -- Max set of Crunches in 2 minutes -- Max set of Pushups in 2 minutes -- 3-mile run - timed -- Obstacle course x2 - timed Marines WILL need to have a Naval Special Warfare (NSW)/ Special Operations Forces (SOF) Physical approved and signed by an Undersea Medical Officer (UMO) in order to receive their Letter of Recommendation and submit their lateral move package. The Reconnaissance Enlisted Assignments Monitor will turn away any and all packages that do not have this requirement completed.